Chelsey "Mickey" Mick
Superbious team profiles

Chelsey "Mickey" Mick

"Chelsey "Mickey" Mick is a writer, actress, amateur comedian, Big Foot's ex-girlfriend, hopscotch enthusiast, light-weight drinker, over-educated theologian and a horrible imitation of a human being. Although hilarious and ridiculously good-looking, Mickey is emotionally inept and socially awkward. You can find all her other rants at micksnark.com."


Fighting The Obvious
For years I've wondered why conservatives like myself seem to be at such a disadvantage.

A new relaxing experience in Barcelona
Barcelona is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world. The city offers to its visitors anything they can imagine. But if you really want to ex...

The Outside Look at the Inside Hollow
I have come to discover a little-known fact about America, and that it has recently gone through what's called a general election.

Really? James Dobson blames gays, abortion for shootings
James Dobson, the founder of the social conservative Focus on the Family, blames Americans who have turned their back on God for the shootings.

The Truth About Standardized Tests
As a current high school student in Oklahoma, I have to say that standardized tests are very important to me. I will be voting in our next presidenti...

Chelsey's contributions

Arizona's Student Constitution
Are civilians required to protect and defend their Constitution? Is it a responsibility of all Americans to fight in America's name?
arizona student constitution
Icelandic Porn: Get It While It Exists!
What country is currently attempting to ban internet porn? Welcome to Iceland, ladies and gentlemen.
iceland laws
Boy Scouts Are Gay
In an article published by christianpost.com, I learned that the Boy Scouts of America visited the leaders of the Latter-day Saints, Southern Baptists, and Catholic Church regarding their level of support for a newly proposed policy on gay members of their troupes.
boy scouts are gay
My Father's Religious Freedom
What does religious freedom actually mean?
religious freedom
Juvie For A 10-Year-Old
According to FoxNews.com, two males brought weapons onto their school campus with a plot to kill a classmate.
Ohio Middle School Promotes Religions
Portrait of Jesus angers people around Ohio.
religious bigotry
Ireland's Church vs. State
While the US battles for equal marriage options in a fight for civil rights, Ireland is still battling for the separation of church and state.

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